Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Why I think Mexico has a lot of wrong things... [Part I]

Hello Careless Reader!

Here i'm again to write again about things that no one care and with which i can torture my poor friends who just read this blog for compromise (and i think to criticize me and make fun of me also... maybe that's the main reason...).

Well as you may have realized because of the title, i'm going to express without any hard feelings the things i think should change in México, and they appear in no particular orden besides the one i remember each turn, ok here we go:

1) TV: I know, i know.. you should be thinking that i'm one of those bittered guys who tells all the time "i don't watch TV, it's so for not cultivated people, i drink my cognac and read the last book of (insert important contemporary latin-american writer)", but first of all i hadn't tasted cognac in my life and even if i read, i do watch a lot of TV, stupid TV a lot of times i should admit, but some times i get sick of all the amount of simplicity, ignorancy embrassement, and particular carefree and negative point for knowledge. I know this is not a particular characteristic of Mexican TV and numerous examples of even more stupid programms can be told when we think of our northern neighbor (is some thinking of Jackass?.. no.. just me?), but when you combine a national TV programming consisting in lame reproductions of already stupid reality shows with an ignorant nation; let's face it, a country where Guadalupe's virgin has more authority than all the scientists of the world combined is ignorant.. period, and some really bad attempts of newscasting comprised mainly by how many people was killed today in car accidents and which artist told the other bitch. So, even if in other parts we have televised stupidity there are ocasionally good channels, educational, interesting, mature, sincere and scientific programs and even channels (yes.. like Discovery Channel), and in México where the general population needs really some kind of alternative in this medium you are in a closed street-alley is.. well unexistant, of course there are political mature programs in some national TV, but are most of the people awake at that hour? and even if so, you've got to be really interested in that special topic because well.. midnight is not the best time to have your mind clear

1 comment:

F. Dwarf said...

Maybe you should write about basic education, cops, religion, politicians... wait a sec... have you realized that if you're gonna write about the things that are wrong in Mexico you might never finish?
Anyway, I think you should post a link to my blog, even though I don't post any english-language-shit
See ya...